About Hillary D

It all started with a 110 film camera, as a young girl, setting up photo shoots on my bed! I would arrange and pose my stuffed animals for photos. I remember carefully placing out awards and trophies on my shelves to photograph. My mother probably went semi-broke purchasing me film and the flash bulbs! Who remembers them? The tall light bar that held only 10 flash bulbs would burst one by one with each click of the camera!

From there, I moved into the friend that you could always count on having a camera. I was a lover of the disposable 35mm cameras! I had one football game or one school dance to capture 27 images in that cardboard box and rush it over to be developed as fast as I could. My heart hurts for teens these days that do not print and print photos and scrapbook 'til the wee hours of the night!

One of my first jobs as a teenager was at a 1 hour photo lab! There I learned the importance of a dark room, attention to details, and color management.

It was in that lab that I perfected my meticulous eye for design. I graduated from Tascosa High School in 1998. My boss at the lab graciously gifted me my first "fancy" camera. It still held film! I learned to love b&w film with this camera.

I started offering on-locations portraits on the weekends in 2004 as I worked as a school teacher. I have grown out of many digital SLR Canon cameras through the past few decades. I am now blessed with a small studio space at Creator Space to entertain studio portraits. I still love to travel to outdoor locations if it matches our vision for the photo shoot!


Do you shoot weddings?

What if my children (2 or 4-legged) do not behave or sit nice for photos?

Do you do on-location shoots?

Do I have to order prints through you?


Do you shoot weddings?

No, I am sorry. I do not. Wedding photography is a whole different genre than portraiture. It is a very important day! Please do your research before you hire your wedding photographer. One that specializes in weddings is your best bet!

What if my children (2 or 4-legged) do not behave or sit nice for photos?

I do not do a lot of posing, so at my studio, kids can be kids! We can be patient with those that need it. Many times it takes me getting to know them just a bit when you arrive. Please do not stress! I have a 100% success rate at surprising parents with what images I capture!

Do you do on-location shoots?

Yes! I have camera and will travel. Natural light is my FAVORITE lighting for portraits. There are certain times of the day and certain locations that work better for different visions in a photo shoot. In Amarillo, of course, we have to watch the sunset times, the wind gusts, and the surprise season changes all in one single day!

Do I have to order prints through you?

I DO have a professional lab near Denver, CO that I just love to use. But, no, you do not have to order prints. I am always willing to sell digital images in our digital world for sure!